
Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Latest Numbers and Statistics

I have now posted pictures of 671 different women on this blog, though there are obviously more pictures - spread out across 960 separate posts - than there are single subjects. (Don't ask me to count the number of pictures used! :-D)

I now have the latest statistics for the ten most popular posts of all time - all time, as always, defined as since May 2008, when started keeping such records. Feel free to click on the image below to enlarge it.

Compared to December 2012, when I last posted statistics, not much as happened at the top. As always, my July 2011 post showing NBC reporter Kristen Welker remains the most popular one by a wide, wide, wide margin, with my September 2009 post paying tribute to model Sheila Johnson (the first of several such posts) a distant second - 17,228 to 8,570, resulting in a much wider gap between the two than before. My February 2011 post of model-actress Joan Severance and my January 2012 post of actress Kaley Cuoco remain at number three and four, respectively.

There are couple of changes farther down. My July 2011 post of actress Piper Perabo and my January 2012 post of actress Erin Gray were separated from sixth and seventh place, respectively, by only two pageviews. Now they're separated by 464 views, with my October 2010 post of The Weather Channel personality Crystal Egger in between, at 3,410 pageviews. My post devoted to Ms. Perabo has thus knocked my post showing Ms. Egger out of fifth place to claim that position.

Farther down, my April 2009 post of model-turned-newswoman Willow Bay has been knocked out of the top ten, while my April 2011 post of German model Margrit Ramme has dropped from eighth to ninth - though she's still the most popular non-American woman on this blog - and my February 2011 post of actress Meg Ryan has dropped from ninth to tenth. (Last time, my post of Ms. Ryan was at 1,400 pageviews, but that number has since been adjusted downward by two.) These changes are the result of the surge of interest in my May 2011 post of NBC television reporter Atia Abawi, which has since entered the top ten and is now at number eight with 1,704 pageviews. She has a long way to go here before she can catch up with her colleague Kristen Welker, though, whose entry has gotten about ten views for every view Atia Abawi's entry has gotten.

So it's settled: Kristen Welker is a big hit here. So I've decided to post another picture of her . . . and then we'll see if my second post paying tribute to her is as popular as the first.

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