
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Another Round of Beautiful Women

It's 2013, and after a few looks back at a couple of the 654 women I've featured before, I'm ready to start a round of entirely new subjects.

Of the many new year's resolutions I've made for 2013, one is to have fewer posts reprising earlier subjects.  Relying too heavily on such posts is a good way to get lazy and become less challenged in looking for new subjects to feature.  If I devote an entire month to revisiting women I've already paid tribute to on this blog, which I've done before,  it'll give me far more time than I need to think of new names . . . and I'll let the need for coming up with new subjects go for too long.  With fewer retrospectives, I hope to become sharper and quicker in offering new (and lovely) faces on this blog.

Oh, there will be some retrospectives from time to time -   I still have plenty of pictures of previously featured women on file that I'm eager to put up here - but I want to try to tap more possibilities.  And with the rules and criteria I go by (see the "Criteria, Rules and Standards" page), that won't be so easy.  But it should be fun. :-)

So, without further ado, my next A-Z run begins . . . NOW!  (Well, in the post following this one, at least. ;-) )

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