Friday, December 7, 2012

The Beauty Of Dance, Part Four: Patricia Delgado, Miami City Ballet, Miami, FL

Yes, she's Jeanette Delgado's sister! And how many ballet companies can claim to have two sisters, both of them principals?  And both of them beautiful? :-D

Patricia Delgado is the older of the two sisters (Jeanette came first here because I presented them alphabetically), and she had the same training Jeanette had, at the same schools.  She's been a principal dancer with the Miami City Ballet since 2007.

Patricia's dances have included the 'Man I Love' pas de deux in Who Cares? and Sanguinic in The Four Temperaments

Patricia has never had any rivalry issues with her kid sister, a testament to how their mother, a psychologist, and her father, a teacher, raised them.   

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