
Monday, December 17, 2012

The Beauty of Dance, Part Four: Kate Honea, Sarasota Ballet, Sarasota, FL

Sarasota is home to the first and, so far, only professional ballet company on the Florida Gulf Coast. And one of the Sarasota Ballet's leading stars is Kate Honea, a lovely native Floridian. :-)

The Miami-born Ms. Honea is a veteran of the Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre, and she's been with the Sarasota Ballet since 1997. She was promoted to principal in 2009.

Her repertoire includes lead and featured roles in dances such as George Balanchine's Allegro Brillante, Dame Ninette de Valois' The Rake's Progress, Sir Frederick Ashton's The Two Pigeons,  Twyla Tharp's In The Upper Room (a very popular piece, I'm led to understand), and Christopher Wheeldon's The American, among others.  She's danced the roles of both Clara and the Sugar Plum Fairy in The Nutcracker, and she counts both among her favorite parts.

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