
Monday, November 5, 2012

Storm Update

Hurricane Sandy knocked my electricity out for six days, and despite getting it back yesterday, I still have no cable service at home, and I'm working from my local library.  A full account of my storm ordeal is available at this blog's sister blog, Miscellaneous Musings, with the specific entry on my storm here. 

I have some retrospective posts - all concerning models - lined up for the month of November, and they should sustain me until I get my cable service restored, which hopefully won't be a long wait. I'll be posting every two or three days in the near future, with the hope of more of a frequency later, but I'm pretty much back.  So here comes a retrospective post. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Update: I got my cable service back, but another storm is coming on November 7. But I still have plenty of posts ready to go if I have to go through Outage Mark 2.
