
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fashion model Sandra Zatezalo

I know "Sandra" is a name "Sandy" is short for, but the hurricane (more about that soon) had nothing to do with my choice of model Sandra Zatezalo for this post. In fact, I chose to include her at this time weeks in advance. It was her last name that led me to choose her - I'm closing out my current A-Z run, and I wanted to end with Ms. Zatezalo because her surname begins with the letter "Z." :-)

Anyway, about the woman of the day . . .. Sandra Zatezalo is originally from New York State, and she modeled throughout the eighties through various branches of the Elite agency.  She appeared on the covers of Vogue, Mademoiselle, and Glamour magazines.  She also appeared in one of Revlon's late-eighties "Unforgettable Women" ads. 

Oh yeah, if you need another reason I chose Sandra Zatezalo for today's post . . . well, look at her - she is freakin' gorgeous!  Her long luxurious hair, those wonderfully huge earrings, the low-cut strapless dress . . . need I say more? :-) 

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