Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Beauty of Dance, Part Two: Leann Underwood, American Ballet Theatre, New York, NY

Leann Underwood is one of the newer members of ABT's corps de ballet.

An alumna of the School of Oregon Ballet Theatre, training at Japan's Naha City Ballet, and The School of American Ballet, Ms. Underwood became an apprentice at Oregon Ballet Theatre in 2003 and joined that company a year later. She has been with ABT since August 2007, and there she's had a leading role in From Here On Out and a featured role in Ballo della Regina, among other things.


Anonymous said...

You know how to pick them... Leann IS one of the most beautiful young women in the world! And what a dancer... Her ability to perform almost out paces her beauty.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Underwood is breath taking in person and more so in dance. Good choice for "beautiful woman".

Steve said...

Thanks! :-)

Anonymous said...

Ms. Underwood is certainly world class beauty AND dance. I won't be surprised to see her offered a soloist position soon... Wow!

Anonymous said...

Have you seen her new photo on the ABT web site? Stunning...

Steve said...

Thanks for the tip! :-)

Anonymous said...

I circled back to this and am surprised Ms. Underwood isn't yet a soloist. She is an amazing performer.