
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia (2010 to 2013)

Julia Gillard, the leader of the Australian Labor Party, became the first female prime minister of Australia in June 2010.

She tried to expand health care and education while dealing with a recessionary economy Down Under, getting involved in some rather thorny political battles.  (Sound familiar?)  

Ultimately, she was forced to resign her positions as prime minister and Labor Party leader in June 2013 due to a party squabble.  She was succeeded in both positions by Kevin Rudd, who is also her predecessor in both positions.  Nevertheless, she broke a glass ceiling in Oz that women in the States have yet to shatter.

She was born in Wales, incidentally, and she moved with her family to Adelaide, South Australia, when she had bronchopneumonia  and her parents were told that Julia's recovery would be more assured in a warmer climate.   

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