Tuesday, August 8, 2023

The Beauty of Retrospect, Summer Model Edition: Beverly Lee, Part One

"Part one?  Steve," you're asking, "you have one more post for Beverly Lee, the greatest model of East Asian origin of all time, following this post?"

No, I don't - I have two more posts for her!

Beverly Lee is the only model I'm featuring in this July-August retrospective more than once, and quite frankly, she's worthy of the honor. 

The three pictures shown here, in fact, demonstrate how Ms. Lee is adept at sporting outfits in neutral colors - white,black, gray.  And just for the office, as seen above. 

In fact, I can't think of any model of any ethnic background who can wear dresses like these with more flair.  The proof is  right here - black, white and gray in living color. 😃

All three of these pictures, by the way, are from the Honeybee Fall 1982 catalog. 

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