
Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Latest Numbers (And Other Things)

I have now posted pictures of 758 different women on my blog.  

As for the most popular posts on my blog . . . well, guess what - nothing has changed since October!  I'm talking nothing!  Zero!  The ten most popular posts from last time are the then most popular posts this time . . . the same posts!  

Well, okay, there was one minor change . . ..  My most popular post, my July 2011 post of NBC correspondent Kristen Welker, had twelve comments before from people who have visited my blog.  Now it has thirteen, a baker's dozen.  As for its popularity, it has gotten and continues to get more than three views for every one view that my September 2009 post of model Sheila Johnson, the runner-up, gets.  You can see the numbers for yourself be clicking on the picture below.

From now until the end of the year, it'll be just pictures of women I've already featured, with more new subjects coming for 2014.  I was afraid I would be increasingly unable to come up with new subjects as easily as before.  As it is, I've found pictures of new and previously featured subjects faster then I can post them.  I have, as of this writing, 42 drafts scheduled for publishing as far as seven months in advance! :-D

It's easy to see why my original post of Kristen Welker (there's another one from February 2013, with 97 views so far) is so popular.  One commenter said that he found that she is "articulate, knowledgeable, and does her job well." :-)  

Back in a few days with the start of those retrospective posts I mentioned. :-) 

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