Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Beauty of Triple Retrospectives: Naomi Watts

So what has the comely Naomi Watts been doing since I originally featured the British-born, Australian-bred actress in May 2009?

She's continued to work steadily, thank you very much. In 2010 she appeared in Mother and Child, as a woman having been given up for adoption, though it did not receive a wide release in America. (Ironically, it was an American movie.)

More ubiquitous were her other major 2010 movies, Woody Allen's You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger (as the wife of a frustrated writer), and Fair Game, as CIA agent Valerie Plame (an earlier subject on this blog) in a story about how Plame was outed in the aftermath of her husband's challenging of bogus claims of a malfeasant Iraqi nuclear weapon program.  In 2011's J. Edgar, she played FBI director J. Edgar Hoover's secretary Helen Gandy.

We can expect to see more of Naomi Watts in the future.

Fun fact: Her father was a road manager for Pink Floyd in the band's early years.

That's it for triple retrospectives.  New subjects are coming soon. :-)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Beauty of Triple Retrospectives: Cobie Smulders

I first featured Canadian actress Cobie Smulders, the brunette star of the CBS sitcom "How I Met Your Mother," in February 2007, and  I referred to her as "hot."  Since then she's gotten hotter. :-D

Her character Robin has dated Ted (Josh Radnor), the first-person title character, but we all know she is not his future wife. Robin has gone on to date Barney (Neil Patrick Harris) and a psychotherapist named Kevin, and it looks like neither one of them is to be her future husband.

The series was renewed to start an eighth season in September 2012 well in advance, so it will be awhile, as of this posting, to learn the answers to these questions - answers the show's writers likely haven't dreamed up yet. In the meantime, Cobie Smulders is stretching out to add movies to her credits. She stars as Maria Hill in the 2012 movie adaptation of The Avengers

Cobie Smulders - "Cobie" is short for Jacoba, her given name - turns thirty in April 2012. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Beauty of Triple Retrospectives: Margrit Ramme

Why would I revisit German model Margrit Ramme so soon after having revisited her in October 2011 and after having posted twelve pictures of her in all prior to now?

Because I can!

Remember, Margrit Ramme was the first fashion model to ever get my attention, so naturally I'm going to give her a lot of attention here.

Having modeled in Paris in he early seventies, Margrit Ramme moved to New York in the latter half of the decade, where she modeled through the Elite agency . . . which is indeed an elite angency.

All of the pictures above are from various editions/issues of Vogue.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Beauty of Triple Retrospectives: Maria McDonald

Maria . . . Maria, Maria . . . the most beautiful sound you ever heard . . .

. . . and still one of the most beautiful women you've ever seen. :-)

Maria McDonald, whom I originally featured in March 2011, is as busy as ever.  The 1980s Wilhelmina model still remains active as the chair of the Cover Girls For Change charity, and she devotes countless hours to causes for social justice.

What could be more beautiful than that? :)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Beauty of Triple Retrospectives: Jessica Lange

Although she hasn't been any more immune to ageism than other actresses in Hollywood, Jessica Lange, who turns 63 in April 2012, continues to appear in movies and television and remains one of America's most treasured stars.

So what has our heroine (shown above in 1976) been doing since I originally featured her in April 2009?

Well, she's currently appearing in the F/X cable television series "American Horror Story," and she's in the 2012 movie The Vow, as the mother of a newlywed woman who experiences severe memory loss of her own wedding and new husband after a horrendous car accident.  It's based on a true story of a New Mexico couple that went through such an experience.

The Vow is Jessica Lange's first theatrically released movie in six years.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Beauty of Triple Retrospectives: Sheila Johnson

And now I revisit another famous Johnson from the golden age of modeling - Sheila Johnson! :-)

Although she's most renowned for her Napier ads - which you've seen plenty of here - Sheila Johnson in fact did print ads and editorials for numerous clients and publications, as well as appearing on several magazine covers.

Her alluring looks and sophistication gave just about every product and editorial she posed for a touch of class.

The photo above is from an Avon catalog, where you were most likely to find Sheila Johnson in the late 1970s and early 1980s - even if Avon only credited her as "Our model." :-O :-)

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Beauty of Triple Retrospectives: Beverly Johnson

As one of the most beautiful women of all time, model Beverly Johnson looks great in just about any outfit . . . of any colors.

She's absolutely stunning in this green ensemble, the shade of which would be more appropriate for artificial turf if any other woman tried to pull off wearing this.

Or how about this purple and yellow ensemble? On Beverly Johnson, it looks alluring. On another woman, it would look like a color scheme chosen by a blind person.

Clothes are so compatible with Beverly Johnson, she can wear the colors of the rainbow . . .

. . . all at once! :-D

Ironically, none of these pictures were taken to advertise the clothes she's wearing. They're actually from cigarette ads, all for the same brand - I won't say which brand - thus explaining the positioning of her fingers in each picture. The reason you don't see a cigarette between them in any of these pictures is because I airbrushed them out.  Why? I'll let Ms. Johnson explain it: 

"I've been very fortunate, but I've turned down a lot. I remember when I said that I'm not going to represent cigarette and liquor ads anymore.  And that was a time in the [modeling] business when that's where you made your money.  My agents weren't very happy.  But I said I'm not going to put that message out there anymore."

I'm not going to put that message out there either. That's why I airbrushed out the cigarettes and why I decline to name the brand.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Beauty of Triple Retrospectives: Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway continues to have a busy career since I last featured her here in November 2010.

As of this writing, she is slated to appear in two movies to be released in 2012: the next Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises (as the Catwoman!) and the film version of the musical Les Misérables, as Fantine.

Quite a busy career indeed. :-)

Anne Hathaway turns thirty in November 2012.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Beauty of Triple Retrospectives: Joanna Garcia

When I originally featured her in April 2010, television actress Joanna Garcia was best known for her role on Reba McIntire's sitcom. That September, she debuted in her own sitcom, ABC's "Better With You."

Alas, "Better With You" lasted only one season. Despite being scheduled between "The Middle" and "Modern Family" on Wednesdays, fans of those two shows found other things to do in the intervening half hour.

As of this writing, Joanna Garcia is appearing in episodes of the USA Network comedy/drama "Royal Pains," a series partially based on concierge medicine practices of independent doctors and companies, though she's not a regular cast member. She plays a nephrologist.

Her personal life is going better than her professional life. She married New York Yankees baseball player Nick Swisher.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Beauty of Triple Retrospectives: Willow Bay

Willow Bay (born Kristine Carlin Bay), was the perfect all-American face for Estée Lauder in the latter half of the eighties, but then the Lauder company decided that she was maybe a little too all-American for the international image it wanted to project.

Both the black-and-white photo above (ooh - strapless! :-) ) and the color photo below are from Ms. Bay's stint as the "Estée Lauder Woman," which lasted from 1985 to 1989.

But, as noted when I first featured Ms. Bay in April 2009, the Lauder company's loss was journalism's gain, and after several stints on broadcast and cable TV news, she now edits non-political stories for the Huffington Post.

And even though she spends less time behind a camera, be it still or motion picture, she's still beautiful, as the recent picture above clearly shows.

The Beauty of Triple Retrospectives

In this month of March, the third month of the year, I'm going to spend my time revisiting women I have featured on this blog before . . . in triplicate. :-)

Yes, I am going to feature three pictures of each woman I revisit in March.  For those of you eager for new subjects, hold on tight; I'll be getting back to that in April.  But I've found and accumulated so many wonderful pictures of women I've previously featured here, it only makes sense to share them.  Especially since keeping them any longer would clutter up my hard drive.

So, then, let's return to some of the lovely ladies whom I've already paid tribute to here!