
Saturday, July 27, 2013

British actress Janet Montgomery

In 2012, I ridiculed the idea of Janet Montgomery, a Brit, playing an Italian-American lawyer from New Jersey in the CBS-TV drama "Made In Jersey," saying on my sister blog (Miscellaneous Musings) that there were plenty of Italian-American actresses from New Jersey who could have played the part, and I could barely contain myself when the show was canceled after only two episodes.

So why I am featuring Janet Montgomery on my blog now?

Because it's not 2012 any more.  This is 2013.

And besides, Janet Montgomery has had a distinguished career as an actress.  She won good reviews for her performances in TV movies like Dis/Connected and the supporting role of Madeline in The Black Swan, as well as the recurring role of Jennie in the HBO series "Entourage."

As for her role in "Made In Jersey" . . . well, to be fair, British actors are trained to master every accent under the sun, so maybe it wasn't such a stretch for her to play an Italian-American from the Garden State. Be that as it may, the series got bad reviews as well as bad ratings.  So chalk that one up to an esteemed actress being human and making a mistake.   

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